Witty Profiles

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I copied and pasted this from my microsoft word document so im gonna keep the format like this just for this chapter. '

This Guy
Chapter 2

We pulled up to our house. It felt so good to be home. My dad took out a good enough amount of money to pay for the house while he was on his leave so we could keep it.  I helped my dad bring my boxes in. We settled down a bit.

I went upstairs and saw a note on my bed.  I opened it , It read:

Lilly Billy (:
Damn words can't describe how much you mean to me. Not only are you my girl best freind but i think im in love with you. your probably gonna read this in like ten years but your the only girl I think im gonna want for a while. Your just so different than the other girls. I adore you so much , your so freaking beautiful , and your so strong and hilarious and could care less what people think. Your probably never gonna feel the same way which sucks but when you read this in like 10 years I hoope you know how I really felt about you. Its June 3,2011 , yes i snuck into your old house because i still have that key you made for me which i still dont know why. Never get creeped out I did this.
Danny Kanny.

I felt a tear going down my cheek because I was actually in love and felt the same way about him. I layed down on my bed and fell asleep , tommorow was my first day at my highschool , I would see all of my old friends and of course Dan.

I woke up at 6:30 and straightened my hair and put makeup on and got dressed, my good friend Olivia came by before school. It was the first time I saw her since  I left. Me and her were getting ready and talking, she had been my best friend since kindergarten adn the three years i was away from her were the worst . I only got to see her once a year when I was away.

" Does Dan know you back ? " Olivia asked.
" I didn't tell him " I said.
" Lil he tells me like all of his feelings about you, hes turned alot of girls down because hes waiting for you " She said
" Seriously " I asked
" Yeah like hes waiting for you and he told me one day during school we were talking about how we missed you and he was like liv i dont care if she says no im gonna wait " She told me.
" Oh my god. " I said.
"Wait so he likes me ? " I asked playing it off like i didnt know anything about him "Being in love with me "
" He loves you " She said.
I didn't respond. At 7 we got in her car and drove to school. I had butterflys on the way to school. We finally got their and the last thing I wanted to do was get out of the car.

                                                           Dans Point of View.
There was never a day I did not think of her. Everyday when I woke up she was what I looked forward to everyday when she lived here. Damn why did I forget her number, shes my everything , I just wish she knew that.I stood there at the ceiling my alarm went off it was 6:45 . I jumped in the shower threw on a black Vneck and jeans and walked out to my car. I drove up to the school. I was walking in when I happened to remember I never texted her back. I quickly did it.
Me: i miss you lillybillly
lil: i miss you too. i never forgot about you js.
me: (: what are you doing ?
lil: in school hbu ?
me: walking into school.
lil: I see you
me: what ?

all of a sudden my heart dropped
lil: turn around .

I turned around and there she was . the girl I loved. MY heart dropped. I got those "butterflys" that girls alway rave about.

I went up to her and hugged her like id never let go.

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I copied and pasted this from my microsoft word document so im

2 faves · 1 comments · Nov 24, 2011 10:54pm






laniebanny · 1 decade ago
omg this is amazing! (: sooo cute.
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