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Other Side Of The World.
Chapter 21.
My feet stopped outside his front door, I hesitated whether to go back or not, my face was feeling cool from the air that hit my face.
Should I go back in and sort everything out? I placed my hand on the door handle I bit my lip trying not to let a tear out, be grown up Evie.
As I entered someone opened the door before me, my eye scanned the door.
“What’s up?” he said before I pushed passed him.
I looked for Eddie who was still cleaning, my body sunk into the seat next to him. I touched his hand which felt numb and he pulled it away, probably with the pain that the glass cut him on.
“I’m sorry” I said looking at his face which was turned away from me.
“Look just forget it” he spat standing up, “It’s not like I love you”
“But you do” I said grabbing his hand.
“Let go” he said looking at me; I bit my lip ignoring what he said.
“Look maybe I’m with Alec but it’ll soon be over between us” I said looking at him.
“So you’re going to use me till you split up with Alec?” Eddie said walking off, “Just go before I do something you regret.”
“Whatever”I said “And I lost my virginity to you”
“Whatever” he said walking off. 
I walked out leaning my back against the wall. I checked my phone to see if I had any missed calls or messages but they was nothing, not even from Ruby.
I walked home and saw mom and Paul sat on the sofa. Mom stood up and came towards me but I ran straight for my bedroom and laid on my bed looking at the roof.
I looked to see who was online and saw that Alec was online, my heart skipped a beat once I saw him online, I didn’t know what to do I didn’t know if to talk to him or whether I was dreaming, dreams always seem better than reality now a days.
I didn’t know if he knew about Eddie and I, should I tell him or should I just leave it and pretending nothing happened? But before I could think he popped up on chat.
Alec: Good night last night?
What did he mean by that? Did he know something was going on between Eddie and me or was I just getting paranoid, is this what cheating on someone feels like? Guilty and paranoia?
Me: You could say so (:
Alec: That’s good :D You surviving without me? (;
Me: A little, hbu? (:
Alec: I miss you a lot, I can’t live without you babe.
I let out a gulp, if he found out what I did he would be furious but I guess he couldn’t kill me since we lived far away from us.
Me: Aw you’re so cute.
Alec: I know I am (; anyway babe I’ve gotta go mom wants to go in the city, I love you <3
Me: Bye <3.
*Alec is now appeared offline*
I shut down my laptop and laid on my bed till I had the strength to get a cold shower something to numb my pain and shock.
I never knew I’d be like this. Never did I think I’d be the cheater in a relationship, but I guess it could happen to anyone but some people manage to say no but not me I always do the opposite things.  
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Other Side Of The World. Chapter 21. My feet stopped outside

4 faves · Nov 18, 2011 5:16pm






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