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Other Side Of The World.
Chapter 20.
I woke up feeling sweaty and hot and I certainly wasn't in a room I recognised, I looked to the side of me seeing Eddie sleeping next to me.
“Ed” I said shaking him.
“W-What?” Eddie said opening his eyes, “What’s the rush?”
“GET UP!” I yelled, she sat up rubbing his eyes, “We’re naked”
“I guess we did it” Eddie said looking under the covers, “Yeah I guess we did”
“Do you want a sticker?” I said sarcastically shoving the duvet around my body.
“No need to be sarcastic” Eddie said smiling putting on his boxers and walking to the door.
“Where are you going?” I blushed.
“Downstairs” Eddie said touching the door handle.
“Fine” I said reaching for my bra, “Please don’t tell Alec”
“The secrets safe with me” Eddie winked opening the door.
I quickly put my outfit back on making sure the outfit wasn’t out of place, I made my way to the bathroom but there were people sleeping in there.
“Can’t a girl have some privacy” I muttered but they were out of it. I looked in the mirror to see my skin was red and my mascara was smudged.
How could I lose my virginity to Eddie? I bit my lip till a body on the floor woke up. I made my way out the bathroom to try and find Ruby but she must have gone home. I checked my phone to see 2 missed calls from mom and a text from Ruby.
Ruby: Where’d you go? I was waiting for you outside but you didn’t turn up.
Me: Ugh sorry I passed out.
I made my way downstairs seeing bodies laid there while Eddie was clearing the beer bottles and the trash.
“Need help?” I said smiling.
“Your alright, do you want me to drive you home?” Eddie offered picking up his keys.
“Not it's alright you can't leave the house unattended” I said looking at people scattered all over the floor who was too out of it.
“If you say so” Eddie said picking up some broken glass.
“Let me help” I said, but he cut his finger.
“Dammnit” he said rushing for the sink. I touched his finger making sure he held pressure onto the cut.
“Let me get a bandaid” I said going through his cupboards. I found one and placed it on his finger.
“Evie, I don’t want you to think it was a one night stand” Eddie said touching my hair, “I kind of...like you”
I remained quiet.
“I’ve got to get home” I said grabbing my bag.
What have I just done?
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Other Side Of The World. Chapter 20. I woke up feeling sweaty

4 faves · Nov 17, 2011 5:07pm






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