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I have the feeling i'll get no faves, but i just need to vent about guess who? him
So his name is Jayson, and he's cute:-) He goes to my school, and is in my class. He is SUPPOSED to me in 7th grade, but he stayed back for hockey, hockey players are smexy;-) So, I think he likes one of my friends Lauren, but she doesn't like him at all. Sometimes people think he actually likes me, but it only last like an hour. He's always really nice to me, but then he'll be this son of a b*tch to me. He'll apologize, but it get's really annoying. He's hilarious, and when i say it I mean it. I can't EVER stop thinking about him, I waste 11:11's on him, and i wish i could be with him. What should I do? Let him go, or try to get him?


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I have the feeling i'll get no faves, but i just need to

4 faves · 2 comments · Nov 16, 2011 7:39pm






xxcorinne95xx · 1 decade ago
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butterflies11998 · 1 decade ago
I think that you should try to be with him! If it doesn't work out, the you weren't ment to be with each other. I had this guy friend named Brenden and we were pretty good friends. I really liked him and could NEVER stop thinking about him or stop talking about him. After a while I asked him out and he said yes! All I know is that if you really like this guy Jayson, then you should try to be with him. If he says no... well then he didn't like you that way. Things happen, thats life. But if he says yes then he likes you and you will probably be a good couple. I'm in seventh grade to, so I know what you are dealing with! But what I'm trying to say is that you should at least give him a chance and try to be with him! Tell if it works out!!
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