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never  under stood..

Why people cut. I mean I've heard about it and I

thought girls just did it for attention. Until my

bestfriend started saying she wanted to, and that

she wanted to kill herself. I stayed up all night

talking to her, and I understand what she feels

like. I mean sometimes I feel like no one cares

about me, and feel like I want to drop off the

planet, but I've honestly never gotten to the point

of even thinking about cutting. I could never

harm myself. And I didn't realize some people

don't have this type of self control. It's something

you have to aquire and they just can't. People 

who get to the point of wanting to cut are too

stressed and too overwhelmed. Ever since my

friend told me about these "issues" she's been

having, I've been trying to help her and others

over come there need to cut, or feeling of being

"un-wanted". If you ever, EVER need someone to

talk to, please. Don't be afriad to ask.
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I never under stood.. Why people cut. I mean I've heard

3 faves · Nov 15, 2011 7:43pm






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