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My Quotes!

"If you don't like it, don't eat it"
"If your life sucks don't feel down, laugh at your friends life instead"
"If your feeling sad and un-happy watch your friend fail"
"If your single, don't worry, the right guy/girl will come along"
"If your nervous to tell the guy/girl that you have a crush on you make your friend do it for you"
"If he/she doesn't make the first move, you do it"
"If your girlfriend or boyfriend dumped you, move on to a cutter person who will care about you"
"If your a girl and your guy is being a jerk slap him"
"If your a guy and your girl is crushing on another guy don't hate yourself, you've done nothing wrong"
"If your a guy and your girlfriend kisses another guy, move on and don't stop talking to your girlfriend because she'll think that you hate her"
"If your a girl and your boyfriend is cheating on you, go and slap him across the face and tell him he is the worst person ever"
"If your a girl and you want to get back with your ex, don't because you never know if he'll give you another chance"
"If your angry and in a bad mood, don't take it out on other people"
"If your sad and have no one to talk to, go talk to your closest friend they'll understand"
"Never fall madly in love with a guy unless you really truly love him"
"Guys, make sure that once you have a girlfriend that you keep her if she's good enough and don't blow them off for something else"
"Girls, if your bf is always busy and has no time to talk, move on or dump the guy!"
"If people at school or somewhere else is calling you names, ignore them or stand up for yourself"
"You can always learn from your mistakes"
"You can never re-do a break up"
"You can never re-do a day"
"You can never take back what you say"
"You can never go back in time and make your life better"
"If you feel fat, look at someone fatter then you"
"If your a shy person and can't talk much, find a nice girl or guy that you can talk to"
"Don't be afraid to ask questions"
"You can always kiss the one you love"
"You can always break up a realation ship if its not working out"
"Always always always, talk to your ex weather or not you like them, because if you don't then your life will be in bad shape"
"If you still love your ex, tell her/him because that means they know you still care"

i hope you enjoyed my Quote's. =)

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My Quotes! "If you don't like it, don't eat it" "If

0 faves · Jan 1, 2009 2:54pm




