Witty Profiles

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your only a teenager once
so don't let rumors get to you,
love with all your heart
laugh as hard as you can
be nice to everyone,
[even if theyre mean to you,
it'll pay off in the end.]

dont follow trends, start your own
drink juice instead of alcohol,
[you'll look like a weirdo now,
but when everyone else is drunk out of their mind,

youll be proud of yourself.]
be as random as you can be
be crazy,
[everyone who looks at you weird is secretly jealous of the fun your having]
dont start drama
love your life
be happy in everything you do
and most importantly:
be yourself,
because theres not enough time to be anyone else.

all mine
give credit
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your only a teenager once so don't let rumors get to you, love

0 faves · Dec 30, 2008 2:51am




