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Other Side Of The World.
Chapter 8.
I went upstairs to tell my friends what was happening on Facebook, they’re all so happy about the news. I went downstairs when I heard my mom talking to Paul the convocation sounded pretty serious, I sat on the bottom step quietly.
“Look Paul I don’t think twins is the answer. Evie’s going to need to sleep more if it means getting her grades up...” I heard mom say, I looked confused why I needed sleep to get grades up.
“Look it’s not all about Evie. I’m sure she’d love two siblings she looked happy” Paul said. Great they’re fighting over me.
“Look Paul, she’s got enough stress with school and her boyfriend been shipped off to England. You’re a surgeon and I’m an accountant we’ll have no time for the babies at all. We’d be counting on Evie to look after them...I don’t think she’s up for that” I heard mom sighing, “Look Paul I do want a baby with you but not two of them!”
“Well I can’t exactly stop you from having twins...look I’ll cut down my hours. I’ll stop at home to bring up these twins, alright?” Paul said, “Look we’ll make it work”
“I know that Paul but what did you mean by ‘Look it’s not all about Evie?” she’s had a hard childhood she’s had no dad figure in her life. She needs to come first she needs to be happy and at the moment I know she’s not happy.” Mom said I could tell she wasn’t happy.
“I love Evie like she’s my own blood honestly I do. I know she comes first but what about the twins? We could all be a proper family you, me, Evie and the twins we could be a happy family” Paul said. I let out a smile and looked out to the window.
I stepped up and walked towards the lounge where I saw Paul and mom look at me with worried eyes.
“Don’t get rid of the twins, I don’t mind looking after them while you’re both at work” I said, “Look Paul I know it’s not all about me it’s about my mom been happy. I know she wants the twins but she can make up her own decision. Mom have the twins we’ll work it out we always have, right?”
“Just listen to her” Paul said looking at me patting down the seat and stroking my hair, I smiled and hit him playfully.
“Alright I guess we’ll have the twins” mom said smiling, “Look darling we wasn’t going to have an abortion... we was just going to look at adoption”
“Adoption? Mom are you crazy?” I said, she gave out a smile, “These twins will probably be the best thing that’s happened for a long while”
“That’s true” mom said smiling, “We would like some help with the names, you’re good with names you named your hamster Tulip”
“Mom I was 7 back then” I said going red, “But if it’s 2 girls you’ve totally got to name them Taylor and Justine”
“Ugh only because they’re your two favorite pops stars” mom said, “No”
I loved Justin Bieber so naming a girl Justine would be a good option and I also love Taylor Swift, she’s helped me with a few problems.
“How about Rosaline and Elizaberth” I said smiling, alright mom didn’t look happy she hates old fashion names, “Mom, I’m just popping to the store, can I get you anything while I’m there?”
“No I’m alright thanks.” Mom said smiling. I walked down to the store when I saw a familiar face.
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Other Side Of The World. Chapter 8. I went upstairs to tell my

7 faves · Nov 2, 2011 5:40pm






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