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I'm sooo sick of the...

"Fav and i'll follow you etc." quotes. 1. Witty is not a place for games but for quotes   2. I've faved one of these before, still waiting for my reply   3. OK, now EVERYONE knows you're just trying to get favs

"Why can't he notice me?!" quotes (and other stuff like I'm invisible to you etc.) OK, so you've got some issues happening, like posting it on witty is going to make him notice you. Now I'm not trying to be rude but this is not a facebook status website but a website for quotes so lets start posting some please!

"That awkward moment when..." qoutes. So your life is full of awkward moments, well guess what, SO IS EVERONE ELSES! And besides about 10% of these are actually awkward so unless you're having a conversation, i suggest not using the word "awkward" anymore.

"Elermentry school: I loove crayons! Middle school: Like I care!(secretly does) High school: Who took my red crayon?!" quotes. Now I'm in middle school and not all of us are like that and to be honest I'm offended that you think that were trying to be cool when really were still young and acting like it. Some of us don't care, some do but say it. Don't underestimate us.

"It's just a fake smile..." quotes. I'm actually really confused if you guys have "fake" smiles because I know i don't, when I don't feel like smiling, I don't and actually I'm pretty sure you guys are the same, no?

"10 reasons I hate or like etc..." quotes. Like really? I mean I agree and all but do you have to post it here? Not really nessecary now is it?

"Oh, You're twelve? Then explain the boyfriend, phone and hair straightener" quotes. I HATE these quotes. I'm 12 I have a boyfriend, but it's not serious. I have a phone, for calling my parents in an emergancy. I straighten my hair because I like it that way. Make sure before you start judging, you start thinking.

"Fav and I'll stop cutting" quotes. Now these REALLY get to me. I find them really irratating. Now I don't know whether you do cut and actually stop if people fav but you shouldn't do that I mean you're using a self issue to get favs. ARE YOU JOKING?!

"Fav if you support cancer, if you don't you're a sick person" quotes. The only sick person I can spot here is the one who posted the quote. What kind of monster would use a deadly diesease for favs. That is really nieve.

"Highlight if you've never lied *highlight* (then they say fav if you lied)" quotes. 4 words. WASTE OF MY TIME.


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I'm sooo sick of the... "Fav and i'll follow you

6 faves · Oct 28, 2011 5:24am






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