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*they will text you all the time.
*they will tell you they like you.
*they will send you all those cute texts.
*they will ask to hang out.
*they will tell you they want to go out with you.
*they will ask for you to meet their parents.
*they will text you until you fall asleep everynight.
*they will start ignoring your texts.
*they will never ask you out.
*they will start talking to other girls in school.
*they will give you weird looks in the halls.
*they wont answer your text messages.
*they wont even look at you in school anymore.

*YOU will try to talk to them about it.
*they will say it will be diffrent and he will talk.
*it never happens.
*you give uop.
*you find yourself crying late at night because you just had a dream about them.
*you will find yourself going the long way in school just to avoid him.

****most guys are the same. find the one that is

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GUYS. *they will text you all the time. *they will tell you they

3 faves · Oct 26, 2011 6:46pm






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