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i went in to the bathroom that no ones ever in and cried. i cried. i thought of my dad fo a minute and it seemed like all the memories we have ever had rushed threw my head all at once. i ran to the bathroom and locked the stall and couldnt breathe. i have been thinking about him all day and i went to my friends house after school and put on the fakest smile i ever had. i am so done. so done pretending. pretending that i dont care, pretending he isnt ALWAYS on my mind im sick of laughing and smiling. i cant do this. i hate how people think they have it bad. their parents didnt argue all their life beause their dad had a horrible problem, their parents didnt get a divorce when they were 9 and thier dad didnt die in a horrible car accident a year later when their ten, they didnt have to sell their dads house that they grew up in. if you think you have it bad think again. im done.
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today i went in to the bathroom that no ones ever in and cried.

2 faves · 3 comments · Oct 24, 2011 7:21pm






youreverythingtome · 1 decade ago
and just like how you haven't forgotten him, he hasn't forgotten you. I love you<3
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youreverythingtome · 1 decade ago
Don't ever let someone put you down. Your beautiful and the sweetest person ever. Your father was a great man. i will never forget playing war with him<3 and Just like you haven't forgotten him, he hasn't forgotten you. I love you best friend<3
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youreverythingtome · 1 decade ago
Elana, your my best friend. I love you more then anything and you shouldn't have to force a smile on your face. You deserve to cry and let it out. You have been the strongest girl I have ever met in my life and I am soo proud of you<3 Elana you changed my life and you inspire me. Don't let anyone put you down because your beautiful, and the sweetest girl I've met. Your father was such an amazing person, I will never forget when we always played war together. Just like how you haven't forgotten him, he hasn't forgotten you. Stay strong I love you girl<333
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