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Her name was Ainsley
His name was Noah
He was 15
She was 16
They were driving home from a soccer game
With 3 other friends;
They were singing, laughing having fun
Noah let out a fart, and they all started laughing
Happy as can be
Until ; they seen a fox, and she went and swerved in a ditch
The ditch was bigger then usual, and the van flipped over
A tree hit there landing, leaving a big dent in the van roof
October 3rd; 2011
Noah & Ainsley were found dead that day
With a blink of an eye
This was the day, that changed my community
The other 3 in the car had injuries
One had a halo brace, and broke her back
One had internal bleeding & was in a coma
One just had a few scratches, and a broken wrist

Rest in piece, Noah & Ainsley, you will be missed

For the other two, i wish you the best!
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Her name was Ainsley His name was Noah He was 15 She was 16 They

2 faves · Oct 17, 2011 5:29pm






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