Witty Profiles

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Let me tell you a few things about myself,
I am a girl,
I live in Britain 
and witty profiles is one of the only places where I
am truly myself.
You see I have this thing,
its called;
I've had it since I was little
and its really beginning to get bad now.
So bad in fact
that the slightest thing someone does or says to me
I get sent home from school after claiming I'm `ill'.

Ever since I went back to school after the summer,

things got so much worse,

I hate going to school now,

even if it does mean seeing my friends.
I have to exclude myself from Drama lessons

because I just cant do it.
We have to do a speech in English
and I got myself so freaked out about it
the teacher let me,
the only one in the year,
do it just in front of them.
You may think this is great,
but I hate it
and I seriously want to change.
That's where witty comes in,
I am willing to,
within the next week,
try an experiment.
I am going to try my hardest
to act completely different,
but I would really like some motivation,
I'm not asking for faves,
I would really appreciate some comments
giving me advice
on how to look
things to say,
just to get me started.
It would seriously mean the world to me guys
for once I'd like to feel good about myself,
that people weren't laughing at me
whenever I get asked a question in class
I'm not changing my whole self
just the confidence part
Thanks for reading
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Let me tell you a few things about myself, I am a girl, I live

5 faves · Oct 9, 2011 1:17pm






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