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I’m just a teenage girl.

I don’t get straight a’s, my hair goes crazy, I look better when I wear makeup, I’m too sensitive, I hide my feelings, I smile when I hurt most inside, I cry over every little thing, most of the time I’m single, guys are the worst for tears, I stare in the mirror thinking of what I could fix, I dream, I lose hope a lot,  I dream of eating without getting overweight, I hate when I cant talk because the next letter that comes out of my mouth will start tears, I’m not a good fighter, I dream of having a first kiss when I’m 13, I’m dramatic, when I  do cry, I don’t shed tears I cry my heart out, music is the best when you have a broken heart,  we wish there was a cure for crying, we all dream of being married and having wonderful kids, were curious about certain things, when were upset we need hugs, when we were 6 we dreamed of being princess’s.

Were just teenage girls.

Don’t expect us to be anything were not.

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I’m just a teenage girl. I don’t get straight a’s,

124 faves · 2 comments · Oct 7, 2011 10:17pm






LoveQuotes · 1 decade ago
Omfg I was not expecting this quote to get so many favorites...

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Hope98 · 1 decade ago
my fave quote <3
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