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Narrator: One day there was this girl her name was Aisy. She went to school then her friend said that they were ready for the test in math. She wasn't ready so that morning before school she went in the bath room and started writing the answer and her upper leg. The bell rang and she went to her math class.

Teacher: Ok class today is the biggest test you will every take this year.

Aisy: Good thing that I wrote the anwsers no my leg.

Teacher: Ok you may begin.

Narrator: So the student all started there test...

Teacher: Aisy!!!!!!!!!!! (She is mad)

Aisy: What?

Teacher: Are you cheating on your test?

Aisy: No

Narrator: The teacher  was very mad.

Teacher: Well then open your legs.

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Narrator: One day there was this girl her name was Aisy. She

5 faves · Oct 6, 2011 4:10pm






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