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l  T i l i g h  

Chapter 2 .

"Hey Hayles!!" My two best friends, Josh and Farrah said, as I slipped into my first period class, English. 

"Hi guys." I mumbled, pulling out last night's assignment and starting to write down the notes on the board.

"Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." Farrah asked. 

"Yeah, I- I'm fine. It's just... MICHAELS MOVING" I blurted out. 

"Awwn, sweetie, I'm so sorry!" Farrah hugged me, and Josh gave me a sympathetic look. 

"It's fine... we're going on our last date tonight, 'cuz he's moving tomorrow...." I trailed off as our teacher walked in. 

"It's going to be okay." I heard Josh wisper, before I zoned out, not listening to the droning voice of our teacher. 


The rest of the day passed in a flash, and before I knew it, I was back in the car with Michael, and we were
pulliing into my drive way. 

"Bye Babe." Michael said, and kissed me before I hopped out of the car. "I'll pick you up at eight."

"See ya then." I replied, and walked into my empty house. My dad was still at work, and my mom and my sister were at her dance practice. 

I flung my backpack down on the counter, and pulled out all my night's home work, before getting a litle snack. 

I was just about to get started when my phone lit up. It was from Josh. 

Josh: "Hey wanna hang tonight?"
Hayless: "I would love to, but can't, Michael, me, date, last day, remember?"
Josh: "Oh yeah."
Hayless: "Sorry :( so what's up?"
Josh: "It's fine. I have to go."
Hayless: "Bye :)"

That's weird, I wonder why he had to go so fast..... he wouldn't be jealous of Michael could he?  No way, I told myself, he's been your best friend since kinder-garden, he can't like you.

How do you like it? I hope it got a little more interesting... is anybody reading? I feel like no ones reading :( I hope whoever is likes it!
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V a n i l l a T w i l i g h t Chapter 2 . ♥ "Hey

2 faves · Oct 2, 2011 2:13pm






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