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i believe in never giving up.....
because giving up means you didnt give all they effort you had
i believe that my mom will cry when i graduate
i believe that i have the greatest friends in the world
i believe that you should always smile
because when someone sees you smile they will indeed return the favor
i also believe that lifes to short for drama
i believe that people should forgive and forget
i believe that you should always be kind to people because you never know if thats the last time you willl see them... and you never know what you have untill its gone than its too late
i believe that friendship is the greatest thing in the world
i believe that love is made for everyone
i believe that crying is good for you
lastly i believe that you should be who you wanna be in this world!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 
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i believe in never giving up..... because giving up means you

0 faves · Dec 14, 2008 1:52pm




