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no offense but i really dont like the quote ;
" people are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. "
honestly, if there weren't so many twofaced people that i can't trust, then i would be making bridges . but the world is full of people who only care about themselves. they will do anything to put you down of hurt you. people can't hurt you if you don't open the door for them . i would much rather sit and wait for someone to knock down my wall then get hurt again. and that is why me, and millions of other people around the world build walls and not bridges .
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no offense but i really dont like the quote ; " people are

4 faves · 2 comments · Sep 22, 2011 5:07pm






xxButterflyLuverrxx · 1 decade ago
lol, ikr!
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Nerdy0reo · 1 decade ago
yeah like seriously, if yuu wanted us to make bridges so badly, why dont yuu try to break down the wall and make a bridge outta that? like for real -___-
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