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Dear Witty Girls,

I would love you if you read this. It's long but I need some Witty Advice </3 My best friend is going out with the guy we both like, and now its kind of making me feel ugly, unloved, and hated. Even my ex boyfriend told me that. Anyways, if you're still reading, you are amazing! So, my best friend and her boyfriend are happy, and I'm not. Today was my best friend's birthday, and her boyfriend gave her birthday hugs and it was only they're 2nd day dating! They're so happy, and I don't want to be the bad guy into the picture. Please help!

[♥] If you read all this way, please favourite so I know someone who cares. Advice would be appreciated :)

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Dear Witty Girls, I would love you if you read this. It's

7 faves · 2 comments · Sep 20, 2011 4:18pm






xo2Jess7ox · 1 decade ago
Hey! Talk to your friend about it and see what she dose but tell her its no big deal? and tell you ex to shut the up
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aboveintheclouds · 1 decade ago
heyy express to ur bff that you are happy for them but tell her youve been slightly low recently and if she cant axept that dont bother with her
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