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I'm lost in this big 'ol world
With no one that can help me through
No one knows how I feel
As a matter of fact, I don't think anyone even cares
Everyone always says,
"You can come to me if you need to talk, I'll listen"
But instead they do all the talking
When I'm going through some rough times,
I think I am the only one in the world hurting
Because no one shows any compassion
They just say,
"Oh you'll be all right" without even bothering to ask what's wrong
But guess what?
I won't be all right...
unless, I can see that someone actually cares
unless, someone will take the time to listen to what I have to say
before they put their two cents in
That's all I really need,
is someone to listen and someone to care.
But, I guess, for now,
I'm still lost.

***I wrote this myself...u can use it just don't claim it***
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*Lost* I'm lost in this big 'ol world With no one that can help

1 faves · Jul 20, 2004 4:09pm






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