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Love on the beach;
Part 8

That's right. I could be with him now. The two of us...traveling the world. God. What was I gonna say to my parents? Surely Toby would have something to say about it too. And no doubt, Amelia also. But, Jake. He....loved, me! I couldn't leave him and go to college. It was out of the question for the condition he was in. I mean, it was just like saying flat out that everything between me and him...was fake. Not that we had been like this for long. One day, but...we have known eachother for WAY longer. I brushed a piece of hair out of his face and smiled at him. His arm was wrapped around me, and I didn't want him to let go. But, I had to get home. "I should get going," I sighed. "Gotta tell the 'rents about college." He kissed me and let go. "Alright," He smiled. "Call me later." I nodded my head and headed back to my car. I hopped in and zoomed home. Toby was sitting outside on the deck listening to reggae music. I hurried inside and went up to my bedroom and changed into: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=37264571 I decided to probably call my parents and plan to get some dinner and dicuss the issue then. But, what was the issue? That I loved someone too much to go to college? They would never fall for it. But, then again...when I'm 18, they have ZERO control. I dialed my Mom's number and called her. She answered the phone, "Hello?" Oh god. "Hi Mom, it's Kendall." I said. "Oh, hi honey! What's up?" I hesitated for a moment then replied, "Do you guys wanna get some dinner? I have some news to share." She laughed, "Look at you! Being so grown-up!" Yeah, I'm already making desicions for my life. "Sure, sweetie. Can Toby come?" NOOOOOOOOO! "Uhm, ya know I would feel better if I told y'all first." I made that way nicer. "Okay, how about we meet at Silvia's in about 25 minutes?" Silvia's was the place we always went. I loooved it! "Sure! See you then!" I hung up and took a deep breath. Oh right! I was supposed to call Jake. I decided to call him in the car since it takes about 15 minutes to get to Silvia's. I gathered my purse and began to put on some makeup. I applied my cover-up that made me look "warm" and "happy". I put on thin eyeliner on the top lid and put some sweet pink eyeshadow. I put some natural color blush then "lash excelrator" mascara. I did a quick check and grabbed my car keys. I raced down the stairs and Toby stopped me. "Where ya going? To be with Jake?" Puh-leezee! "Uhm. No. Why?" I pursed my lips. "Just wondering," He was using his douche-bag tone. "Then where are you off to?" I fixed my sweater then replied, "I'm just going to have some dinner with Mom and Dad." I walked past him and jumped in my car and zoomed off. I plugged in my bluetooth and dialed Jake. He picked up quickly, "Hey there!" That perky dude! "Hey Jake! What's going on?" I'm assuming not much, after what just happened. "Just planning some stuff about our trip. Did your parents confirm it?" 

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Love on the beach;Part 8That's right. I could be with him now.

1 faves · Sep 19, 2011 5:03pm






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