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Three Little Devils
Sequel to Hell On Earth
Chapter 13


In maybe the middle of July, it started out as a normal day. I didn’t really sleep the night before because the twins kept on crying, I got frustrated due to lack of sleep, and my mom would nag me about the Kyle situation. She just wouldn’t get over the fact that I didn’t wanna rat him out. I didn’t think he meant to do what he did.


In the middle of the day I decided to take the twins out and walk with them. I mean, I would push them in the stroller; so only I would be walking.


Anyways, it took me maybe half an hour to get them both ready and out into the stroller. Right as I was bringing both of them out though, my mom stopped me. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring the twins on a walk.”


“Why not Mom? I need the exercise and sunlight and I want them to get some fresh air. Their about two months old Mom and they’ve barley been outta this house. I think the need some fresh air.”


“But Kyle hunny-”


“Mom! Kyle isn’t gonna come and get us! It was an accident when he came here and tried taking the twins! Maddie gave him weed! I believe him Mom!”


“Hannah Kyle might be lying!”


“I don’t care Mom! I believe him and I’m taking the twins on a walk,” and with that I stormed out of the house and put them both in the stroller.


I started walking with them going everywhere. I probably walked around the whole town. I stopped when I got to Kyle’s block though. I mean, I did believe him, but I still get a little creeped. What if he does it again?


I would always quickly shake the thoughts outta my head. I didn’t wanna be scared, I hated it. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Going down his block was the only way home and it was getting dark. I quickly started walking down the block, trying to quickly pass Kyle’s house.


Finally I got off the block and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. The worst part is over; I got a funny feeling that someone was watching me the moment I turned off his block though. This caused me to push them faster and walk faster. They stayed silent this whole time, besides some little giggles here and there, and I don’t want something to happen where they started crying and someone would come out and get us.


After a good few minutes of almost running, I made it home. I felt safe as I got them out of their stroller and walked through the front door. I didn’t wanna hear any crap from my mom, so I brought them upstairs and laid them in their cribs. Both of them fell asleep on the walk home so I didn’t have to worry about putting them to sleep.


I then walked over to me bed and sat down. I wasn’t tired, yet I wasn’t full of energy. The walk drained that energy, but it was like I just couldn’t fall asleep. So I decided to watch some T.V.


After a few hours of watching T.V, the twins still hadn’t woken up. It was a miracle. They always woke up after about an hour or two. I didn’t wanna make a big deal of it because this was probably something that would never happen again, so I wanted to let it last.


My eyes started to feel heavy and I felt them start to close. I curled up in a ball, freezing since the air condition was on, and pulled the blanket close. My eyes finally closed and right before I was about to fall asleep my phone went off.


I thought it was strange since no one ever texted me anymore but I looked at it. It was an unknown number but I didn’t think anything of it since I was already half asleep. When I opened it, I had to look at it a good three or four times to make sure my eyes weren’t tricking me; they weren’t.


Just Be Aware, Im Watching You.



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Three Little Devils Sequel to Hell On Earth Chapter 13 In maybe

6 faves · 1 comments · Sep 16, 2011 9:06pm






thisisthelife · 1 decade ago
ooooh suspensefulll :) haha cant wait for more!
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