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I see all these quotes about how you lost the love of your life after a couple months,I'm not saying you cant love after a couple months or even be in love. But Listen to my story.

I had a best friend;Lets call him "Jeff ".He meant the world to me. We were best friends for 7 years. but known each other for 9 years."Jeff" was the biggest part in my life. I don't remember one memory without him. I asked him to be my best friend during summer 04' and since that day he kept texting me. Kept calling. i remember one time i was so scared to talk to him so i ignored his call and told him i was talking to my parents. I had the biggest crush on him but i didn't wana tell him cause he was my BEST FRIEND! he was there for me through everything. All my ex boyfriends. All the tears. All the hurt & Pain. One time we went to Washington with our families and met up and went to McDonalds and i never told him what i liked him there but he knew. He knew me better then i knew my self. I started to talk to one of his best friends one time and his best friend kissed me and Jeff got sooo jealous and didn't talk to me,I then realized he didn't want me to be with him so i stopped talking to his best friend. I remember one his 16th birthday. He had a big party with two of his cousins and some friends. He had the choice of two of his boys or me to go in the limo with him. and he chose me. sat by me the whole time. Held my hand when i was nervous cause first time meeting his whole family. Me and his little brother then became close. along with his little sister. i loved them both alot. That moment i remember thinking to my self. Hes the one. The one for me. Ima be with him for the rest of my life. two years after that party he asked me out but i had a boyfriend and i wasnt ready to lose my best friend yet. so he waited for me. but i was with that guy for 8 months i told "Jeff" to get a girlfriend. i wont be mad but i wanted him happy. But he didn't. I was 14 and he was 16. He found this girl "Ashley" I hated Ashley. and didn't want them together. so i told him me or her. He told her i cant be with your my best friend means to much to me. But they were still friends. We got into a big fight and he went back to "Ashley" and i stopped being friends with him. But seeing him with someone else hurt,A L O T! so i told him one night. That situation was bad. that i didn't wana  live any more. But i remember on Dec 11 09' i got  text from my ex boyfriend and i was happy  then i found out it wasnt him. Then i went of MySpace and saw on Jeffs backup profile he added pictures of me and him on his 16th birthday i asked him why do u have these up? and he replied with "i don't know what to do. I don't wana live without you any more. Read my about me please?" So i did. It was the sweetest thing I've ever read. Basically said i wanted u back. I remember one thing he said by heart "Remember that dream we had?The one with a fat house? and our dogs? and our life together?Getting married?I wanna make that dream to come true still" And i forgave him. A couple days later his girlfriend was talking trash behind his back to his best friend so he broke up with her. On January 1st,2010 he asked me out in front of his whole family. and friends. his words?"Babe you know how long i waited for this? will u go out with me?" He waited 7 years to be with me. From that moment on i spent every weekend with him. Going to his dirt bike races and seeing him and his family. I loved him to death! i chose him over my best friends basically. He had this god child,Man she was beautiful. She became my god child. Id give up the world for her. and him... his family became my family. His little brother became my little brother. his little sister became my little sister! I loved him! On March 17 we broke up.. He told me we were gona work it out. but ignored me for a month. on April 15th he told me he had a new girlfriend and if i was his best friend id stand by his side. Reading that text broke me. That was the day my baby cousin that i waited 16 years for was born. and as sad as it is. i wasn't happy. All i wanted was my baby back. I remember he came to my dirt bike track with his girlfriend. I couldn't handle it so i told him to leave. She stared me in my eyes and smiled. and laughed. I wanted to kill her! Since that day i haven't talked to him or seen him.. Its been 6-7 months since i lost the one i was in love with.

My point is;I was completely in love with him. He left me. And i survived. So baby girl or baby boy;Don't ever let a girl or guy ruin your life. Your perfectly fine without him or her. I'm standing her stronger then ever & love life. So if i can do it;You can do too. I believe in you
 So babygirl


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I see all these quotes about how you lost the love of your life

1 faves · Sep 11, 2011 1:39am





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