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You honestly are the most amazing person everr. I've never felt this way about anyone. Your always on my mind and thats why its so hard for me to stop smiling.  I love everything about you. I've made mistakes in the past and I'm sorry. I was stupid. We started talking in the beginning of 7th grade and I knew i liked you in september, and I could honestly say I deffinatly had strong feelings for you like 2months after. You know absolutly everything about me. Your one of the few people I could fully trust. Your always there for me and I will always be there for you. I don;t even know what to say to you most of the time which is why I must sound reallyy stupidd. You make me nervous because I have lost you 5times and I don't wanna lose you again. The past few months have been really rough on me and you've just kept the smile on my face and reminded me that everything will be ohk and your the reason I am still smiling. I love you SO much Chris (: <3
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Babe~ You honestly are the most amazing person everr. I've

2 faves · 1 comments · Sep 5, 2011 3:38am






XxScrewxItxX · 1 decade ago
and no matter how much time goes bythis will always be true,
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