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She knows Everything about you

Probably more than your all of your other friends know about you. You added her on facebook, text her, iiM her, follow her on twitter, follow her on tumblr, anything you find that you both had. Every little problem you have? She nows about. She may live a few states over or half-way across the world. All those things you're scared to tell your friends from school because of what they might think of you? You don't even hesitate to tell her. She knows every about every guy you've ever dated, every guy you've ever considered dated, & every guy you've crushed on. all those fights you've had with your friends? She's there telling you that they're wrong & why you're right. Scared? She comforts you. Upset? shes there to vent to. Need someone to yell at? she understands that & will let you yell at her. Plans for the day? she knows about them, even if they aren't even interesting. Did some random guy on the streets check you out? In a heartbeat you text her telling her about how cute he was & how he was sooooo into you . Feeling down about yourself? She's right there to tell you that you're the most beautiful girl on earth. You've considered making her one of your brides maids, some days even your maid of honor. Right before you go to a dance, the first thing you do is take a picture of your dress & send it to her, even though you know the text will be "My bestfriend is beautiful" . It's amazing you know, that this girl you've never officially met could be so close to you? Know more than you do about yourself? There's only way you could have met her, & that's this amazing website. Thank you steve, you allowed me to meet my amazing & beautiful
Witty Bestfriend[:

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She knows Everything about you Probably more than your all of

5 faves · 2 comments · Aug 31, 2011 10:11pm






LoveInTheSummer · 1 decade ago
Mine's name is Sam[: xsammihamix iThink ;p & It's easy to make one , visit a girls profile, read her stuff, see if she has an aim or something listed, iiM her & Boom . that's how me&sam started off[:
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ItsBarbieeBiiitch · 1 decade ago
i wish i had one :/
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