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Life is like a treasure hunt. We keep searching for the answers to unlock the infinite mysteries, presented to us by life. We are always on a wild goose chase thinking we are nearing the key that will unravel the mystery and we end up with another puzzle on our hand. A few lucky ones find their way out of this giant maze of tricks and treats. The only way to beat life at its own game is begin in control of yourself and never give up on anything or anybody. Even if you lose, learn the lesson and move on. It is my experience that life follows us only if we follow this life motto, "When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile". Well, after this very hardcore philosophical life talk, let us lighten the mood with some inspirational, motivational cute quotes about life, that will surely bring a smile to your face.



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Life is like a treasure hunt. We keep searching for the answers

4 faves · Aug 21, 2011 1:42am






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