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Why try anymore? I keep going everyday, just because I think one day, he'll like me. But till that day happens, this is what i think in my head; He will never like you, your just ugly, move on, lower your standards, you will never get him. This is what goes through my head everyday. I wish it would just stop. I wish I was good enough for him. I don't like these thoughts, they hurt inside. Nobody knows about them till now. Will someone talk to me please. My best friends aren't doing a good job in being best friends. All of them just ignore me.
Please help me.

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Why try anymore? I keep going everyday, just because I think

3 faves · 2 comments · Aug 20, 2011 11:41pm






Imadreamer · 1 decade ago
Ill help you. Okay Heres my advice. First of all you shouldnt say your ugly, because that will just put you down more, and thats not going to help anything, right? And Dont say your never going to get him, or arn't good enough for him, Im sure thats not true. And you never know what can happen. He might like you. Dont give upbon this. :)
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loveroflifeandbasketball27 · 1 decade ago
whenever my friend is down i literally think of the happiest thing wed done in a while and i remind her of it :) i sing to her at the top of my lungs TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN. I actually did that today lol at our summer fair and i said it wrong i said turn that smile upside...mile? hahahaha :) sorry just had to share that cuz it made her smile and i hope i possibly made you smile with this very long comment :o :D <3 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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