Witty Profiles

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Remember when. . .
-If you said "oh my god" you were reallly bad
-News Years Eve was the best cause you stayed up till 12
-Pokemon was the coolest thing around
-Little Sally Walker was your favorite game
-You were nuts if you were allowed to watch PG movies
-Half your friends weren't allowed to watch Rugrats
-You played church with oreos
-You tried to take communion at mass, even though you weren't old enough
-Doug, The Wild Thornberry's As Told By Ginger and Chalkzone were the best shows ever
-Your favorite Christmas song was "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer"
-You figured out how to cheat in the game Bubble Gum Bubble Gum
-Spyro came out and gave Sonic tough competition on the list of favorite video games
-You made your mom look after your Tamagotchi while you were at school
-You loved Brittany Spears cause she was like not bad yet
-Playing School was funn
-Sleeping in was 8am.
-You had "Spy Headquarters" in your basement
-You chased the ice cream man on your bike
__And you thought it would stay that way forever__
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Remember when. . . -If you said "oh my god" you were

6 faves · Nov 24, 2008 10:02pm






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