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Oka, So,, I'm 13 and dating a 17 year old that turns 18 this coming Friday.. He's going to be a senior this year and im only going to be in 8th grade.. This is the third time weve dated and we've been dating for almost 4 months.. It seems to bother me more than it does him that we probably won't get to date once he graduates.. Am I just being selfish? Or is it okay for him to act like this?

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Oka, So,, I'm 13 and dating a 17 year old that turns 18 this

1 faves · 8 comments · Aug 10, 2011 1:00am






kcasteel · 1 decade ago
I'm always hanging out with his friends when I'm with him and we go to a small school so everybody pretty much knows about us dating and most of them don't think its that bad.. But,, thanks. I guess
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EspiHernandez · 1 decade ago
aha i have just breathe. on my left wrist, a heart on my foot and a peace sign on my right wrist haha
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Pistachiox3 · 1 decade ago
Yeah it's pretty weird, but once your middle aged it all seems normal for some reason..
Very weird right? Haha, whats your tattoo ? That was off topic..okay :D
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EspiHernandez · 1 decade ago
Even when people are older I still think its wierd like for i'm 17 and the oldest i'll date is 19 or even 20 depending on the guy
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Pistachiox3 · 1 decade ago
I understand it's your opinion, not offending but I personally think it's weird. My parents 11 years apart, it's not so weird now because they're already in their 30s and 40s now right? Just saying.
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EspiHernandez · 1 decade ago
Its my opinon. I think that the youngest you should date is half your age plus 7. 13 and 18 year old is not dating. its babysitting.
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Pistachiox3 · 1 decade ago
It's stupid how people disapproves dating at this age. Think about it when hes 28, your 23. Or when hes 33 and your 28, will anyone judge then? No.
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EspiHernandez · 1 decade ago
I personally believe that a 18 year old dating a 13 year old is unbelievably stupid. You both are experencing things in life and what if he want's to take you out with his friends? They will think you're hes little sister. Go for someone your age. Sorry but, thats just me.
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