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What’s Happening.



I awoke to be laid on the cold marble bathroom floor, I sat up and went to the loo, unlocked the door and walked into Victor’s room. There he was laid in a sleeping bag on the floor, looking so uncomfortable. I jumped onto his bed and turned on his TV onto the first music channel I could find. It blasted music out of his surround sound system. He quickly awoke, and wasn’t very amused.


“Bailey, why did you do that?” He said angrily.


I ignored him.


“Bailey talk to me…” he said.


I still ignored him… and then he jumped out his sleeping bag, like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey and launched himself onto me. Throwing me up and down onto his bed, he was strong enough to lift me, as I was only 5ft8. I still didn’t talk so he used his last resource in a bid for me to speak. Tickling me! Victor was the only person who knew where I was ticklish. Right on the bone, of my left outer ankle. He tickled away, I was laughing my head off. But still I didn’t talk. I wasn’t going to give into what he wanted, not this time.


After thirteen minutes of tickling me, Victor realised he wasn’t going to get anything out of me, instead he got a kick in the face.


“Ouch! You don’t half like to hurt me do you!?” Victor shrieked. I grinned and nodded. He smiled.


“I got movement, step one accomplished!” he grinned. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes. He grabbed my face, so I couldn’t talk or move. I had a little hopeful feeling he was going to kiss me.


“Bailey…” he paused and looked at something out the window.


He froze, was he okay? I turned around and looked out the window. There at the bottom of his front lawn was his best friend George, and non-other than Emma. I pulled myself away from his hands that were still hooked onto my face. Emma’s face was a picture! She looked so jealous, I leaned my head to the side and pulled a ‘In your face!’ look and jumped off the bed. I walked up to the door, thinking of what I could say to Victor to make everything better, but there was nothing I could do, or say. Like he said, if it got out that we were together in his room, with his hands around my face as if we were going to kiss he would be hated. Would that be a good thing? Maybe he would be happy not being popular… I thought to myself.


“It will be okay.” I said to Victor from around the door.

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What’s Happening. 7) I awoke to be laid on the cold marble

3 faves · 2 comments · Aug 7, 2011 11:18am






imjustweirdx · 1 decade ago
hahaa, coincidence :]
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bayluvshimmorine · 1 decade ago
my name is bailey.....
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