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All the way home I didn’t speak. Not to Victor or his mum, I just sat there staring out the car window watching the world speed by. I saw all many of the girls at my school standing at the bus stop. Watching Victor sat in the front seat. They were waving too him and trying their best to flirt through a glass window. Victor didn’t react, he just looked down at his blackberry bold pretending like he had a text. I looked into the car mirror, where Victor’s mum Karen was looking at me. I tried to put a smile on my face, but then looked down and resumed to my frown.

“What’s wrong hunny?” Karen said to Victor. Victor looked up and turned around looking at me, I looked back up staring into his harsh grey eyes. I felt a cold chill run over me. I hated him. He looked away but I was still staring where his face was.

“I’m… I’m good.” He replied quietly.

“You sure? You don’t seem yourself.”

“MUM! I’m fine!” Victor snapped.

Karen looked back up at me.

“and you?”

“I’m just tired.” I smiled.

“That’s a stupid question to ask someone who’s been in a coma for three weeks and almost died!” Victor screamed. Karen looked at him, giving him a disappointed look. But didn’t say anything, I think she realised that he was tired and upset. We pulled up Victor’s drive. Victor jumped out the car, and opened my door expecting me to get out. I looked up at him and shuck my head, I stuffed the bin bag into his hands and slid over to the other door. Getting out of that one. I walked into Victor’s house.  I walked upstairs into Victor’s room and sat on the bed. He walked up behind me.

“Listen.” He said to me.

“Why? What more do you have to say?” I yelled.

“Please Bailey.”

“What?” I said, standing up off his bed.

“What is so important?” I screeched.

“Bailey, I…I… didn’t mean to hurt you. Your my bestfriend, I don’t want to lose you.”

“Correction, was your bestfriend, and you have lost me. Your nothing to me.” I looked straight into his chilling eyes, and saw how hurt he looked, but I didn’t care. He had to know how I felt.


“You kissed me, and ripped my heart.”

“ripped your heart?”

“Yes, Victor. I love you, always had since the day we met, but that’s all changed, I can’t stand to look at you, I hate you!” I took a deep breath, and sat back down on the bed. Victor looked at me and sighed.

“Why haven’t you told me? I thought we were bestfriends” He replied sadly.

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6) All the way home I didn’t speak. Not to Victor or his

3 faves · Aug 6, 2011 1:48pm






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