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Chapter Four

The next morning I woke up at 6:00 am. I picked out an outfit, showered, and put on my makeup on. There was a medium sized bruise on my cheek from where my dad had hit me. I tried to cover it up with foundation, but there was still a little green-ish area showing. I sighed and went down stairs. I grabbed a granola bar and started to walk to school.
When I got inside the school, I heard someone calling my name. It was Drew.
“Hey, Auden,” he said smiling.
“Oh my gosh, what happened to your cheek?”
My hand flew up to where my bruise was. “Oh, um, nothing, I, uh, fell…down my stairs..,” I responded nervously.
“And you landed on your face?” He asked, obviously not buying my story.
“Oh,okay. Well, I’ll sit with you at lunch?”
“Yeah. Bye.”
“Bye,” he said while waving.  

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Runaway Chapter Four The next morning I woke up at 6:00 am.

5 faves · Aug 3, 2011 11:56am






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