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#30: why do yolove hockey?

Its because the NHL is one huge extended family.

You have your uncles Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin, that don't get along
everyday, but deep down they respect each other. Your cousins Jeff Skinner
and Tyler Seguin are always up to play, while your uncles Patrick Kane and
Brad Marchand are always up to sneak you alchohol.  You'll find your uncle Tim Thomas at the grill 
making cheeseburgers while your other uncle, Hjalmarrson is eating the meatballs.  
And you can always bet your uncles Getzlaf and "Silver" are bickering again, but they are
still 2 of your favorites.  Grandpa Gretzky never ceases to amaze you, and you love Grandpa
Howe as well.  While my father may be Eric Staal and yours may be Jarome Iginla, we are all still
the same family.  

We share the same blood. We are hockey fans. 
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#30: why do you love hockey? Its because the NHL is one huge

7 faves · Aug 2, 2011 12:22pm






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