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I'd wait on you forever, and a day~ 2
Justin's P.O.V


Cassandra was beautiful. I walked into my room and looked at all the pictures of me and her. There was one of us when we were 14, and i was kissing her cheek. I've had a crush on her since we were 13 but the only people who know about that are Ryan, Chaz and my mom. I looked at another picture where Casandra was looking right at the camera but i was just looking at her smiling. "Justin" I looked over and saw Casandra standing in my doorway, still looking as beautiful as always. "Hey, all packed?" I smiled and she nodded. "Where do you wanna go for lunch?" I asked as my phone rang from across the room. I walked over and saw Ryan calling me.

Ryan- Wanna hang out?
Me- Well, Casandra's here.
Ryan- really? I wanna see her!! I'll have Chaz come and we'll bring our girlfriends.
Me- sounds cool. See you soon.

We hung up and i looked back at Casandra who was looking at the pictures around my room. "You have alot of pictures of us" She said quietly holding a picture in her hand. "Well your my best-friend" I laughed, as she looked at me and smiled. "Come on" We walked out to my car, and got in. "Can i drive?" She asked, excitedly and i burst out laughing. "If you crash my car, your gonna get it" I handed her the keys and she giggled as she got into the drivers seat. She was actually a pretty good driver, even with me annoyng her the whole way. "Casandra, hurry up i have to go to the bathroom" I joked as she came to a red light. "Shut up" She laughed, and i beeped the horn. "Justin!" She squealed and i laughed a little. We finally came to the pizza place i was taking her and she parked. "I thought you never let anyone drive your car?" Ryan laughed as we hoped out of the my car. "Well Casandra asked, and i just couldn't say no to my best friend" I put my arm around her and smiled. "Well you know Ryan and Chaz" She laughed, and then two girls walked over to us. "And this is Amber, Ryan’s girlfriend. And Jennifer, Chaz’s girlfriend" I introduced them and they seemed to hit it off. "Come on, we wanna show you this new store" Amber grabbed Casandra’s hand and they ran laughing together to some little store. "They’re gonna be great friends" I laughed, and Ryan smirked. "You still like her?" I nodded slowly, as Chaz patted my shoulder. "Why don’t you tell her?" He asked, and i shrugged. "She’s my best friend. What if she doesn’t feel the same way?" I thought about Casandra being my girlfriend. I liked the idea of kissing her and holding her during scary movies. Ryan’s snapping in my face broke my thoughts. "Just ask her" Ryan said, as we looked over at Casandra talking to some guy. Amber and Jennifer came back smiling. "It’s so cute, isn’t it?" Amber asked as Ryan put his arm around her. "What are they talking about?" Chaz asked, and Jennifer smiled. "Well, he’s asking her on a date for tonight" Jennifer explained, and i sighed. "What’s she gonna say?" I asked, as Chaz and Ryan looked at me and i could feel my smile fade away. "She said yes. Im so happy for her" Amber smiled and i looked again at Casandra and that guy. Not gonna lie, it broke my heart.

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♥ I'd wait on you forever, and a day~ 2 Justin's

11 faves · 1 comments · Jul 28, 2011 4:03pm






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