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A Change Of Heart.


Our P. E teacher, gave us the lesson to play dodge ball, Me Lavender and half of the other girls were on a team, the rest of the girls were with Christa.

It was an easy game, and I was surprised at the fact not many of the girls tried to hit me with the ball, I didn't even get out.
I was pleased with myself, I had managed to stay in for the first game, but the second game was a lot different, Christie decided it would be fun to get her team to all throw the balls at me.
She got me out, it didn't really bother me much, I have to admit i think it's pathetic she got her team to aim for me and me only, when she could of got other people out.

I was relieved when the lesson ended, I didn't care for what team won or lost, it doesn't matter. What matters is Christie hating me.

My second lesson i had was maths, I sat next to Dean in that one, and It went like a blur.

Then came first brake, Lavender, James, Dean and I sat at the back of the front field, we were sat in the shade of large trees, it was quite cool, much better then sitting down in the sun and being sweaty and boiling.

" It's really hot today" James said, while taking a large gulp of his water.
"Yeah" We all agreed.
"Was it just me who noticed in Reg then?" Lavender asked.
"Noticed what?"
"Noticed the new guy'' she said. Looking at all our confused faces. "His names Kevin, he just moved here.."
"Oh.." I said slowly.
"See look he's over there!" Lavender said happily when she saw him.
He was walking alone on the field, he began walking towards they shady area of trees, probably wanting to get out of the sun.

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A Change Of Heart. *3* Our P. E teacher, gave us the lesson to

0 faves · 1 comments · Jul 27, 2011 8:04pm






lovelyx97 · 1 decade ago
hey this is the title of my story too! this is a cute story, just work a little on the grammar and where you put commas. (:
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