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Chapter One-

Brooklyns POV.♥

School. Finally out for summer! The sky is blue the grass is green and the weather was warm with a slight breeze. Now this was my kind of weather.

I gathered my things, emptying out my locker.
I searched for Amelia through the hugs and “have a good summer!”s
I was going to miss a lot of people over the summer, but I knew I’d hopefully see some of them!
“Noah!” I called to the black shaggy haired boy trying to make him hear me over the crowd of voices. He turned around and gave me a huge hug.
“Where’s Amelia?” he asked letting go.
“I’m right here!!” she appeared behind him squeezing through a group of people.
Noah chuckled and took her hands pulling her to him into a big bear hug.
She squealed and demanded for him to let go.
I laughed at how cute they were. But, they weren’t dating!
“C’mon guys, park?” I smiled half turned and looking at them.
Amelia got a better grip on her backpack “Well, let’s go!”
We walked towards the door and stepped into the bright sun.
The park was just half a mile from school, so we walked. We basically walked everywhere we could. And occasionally, Noah would drive us.
Once we got to the park we sat under the big slide for shade.
“What are you guys doing this summer?” Amelia asked leaning her head on Noah’s knee.
I shrugged.
I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do this summer. I just wish it wasn’t going to be boring.
Noah smiled. “My cousin just moved here from Oklahoma. So I’ll do some stuff with him, I guess. You guys need to meet him.”
I smiled. “Sure!”
Amelia grinned. “Yeah!”
Later, we all got ice-cream from the ice-cream truck and all went home with smiles on our face.

Welcome To Summer 2O11’.
Let’s Make It The Best.

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NeverLetGo. Chapter One- Brooklyns POV.♥ School. Finally

4 faves · Jul 25, 2011 2:14pm






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