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This is for everyone above 6th gradee(:
Im going into 6th and people say its scary and you get bullied and other people say its one of the funnest years and stuff so i wanted to know how it really is(:
please give me some advice and ill follow:D

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This is for everyone above 6th gradee(: Im going into 6th and

2 faves · 8 comments · Jul 25, 2011 10:26am






iloveyou1395 · 1 decade ago
i was reaally nervous for sixth grade too when i was that young but theres honestly nothing to worry about, everyone will be going through the same thing as you are and a lot of other kids are probably worried about the same things too. in reality, you will realize that its just another year in school. people say freshman year sucks too and its not bad at all. so just try to make the best of it and have some fun(: and you dont have to folllow mee haha
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xohannahox · 1 decade ago
Thankks everyone for all the advicee(:
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dreamer369 · 1 decade ago
6th grade was one of the best yers in Middle school for me. It is going to be great for you!! (I am going to high school thjis fall:)
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xXFivelXx · 1 decade ago
Lmao it was a fun year and so was seventh grade. (I'm looking forward to the eight which I think will be even better)
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lalannie · 1 decade ago
It's just like any other year in school except for a few things.
You have to walk to different classes instead of staying in one
You have a locker that you have to memorize te combination to.
People start to mature and you see different people hanging in other groups
You can finally do sports which means you might get a whole new group of friends
But besides that sixth grade was kinda boring for me. Eighth grade was definetly the best!
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smileyfry98 · 1 decade ago
6th grade was great, it was soo much fun!! i am going into 8th! you u will do fine.
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MaciOwnsTheWorld · 1 decade ago
its awesome :D don't listen to what people say And you don't have to follow me xD
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juicelyn · 1 decade ago
its not as scary as they say it is it was one of the funnest years of my life! ( I'm going into 8th grade)
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