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Let's set the scene here. Chelsea's monthly party. Purple and Yellow (school colored)streamers and balloons are caked in every nook and cranny. Witches, Sorcerers... and two Wizards that are about a 3 on the Graveway scale, (meaning they have nothing else to do with their time because they have no friends) are all sitting awkwardly on a couple small couches scattered about the room. Bad music is blasting, and there are a couple chubby sorcerers plowing through the snack table as if they've never eaten before in their lives. I don't want to be here, but Caylee and I have a rep to keep up with, and everyone who's anyone at Graveway has at least somewhat of a rep. If not, you are a zero on G's (Graveway's) scale... which definitely is a bad thing. Attending our school means you have to be a someone. If not? You're dead. Literally.

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Secrets Let's set the scene here. Chelsea's monthly party.

3 faves · 1 comments · Jul 18, 2011 11:27pm






dont_tell23 · 1 decade ago
i like it(:
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