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New world ,   New choices 

chapter 14

"toby, what are you doing here?"

"i came to give my condolences, if thats all right with you..."

"i guess. but why did you even come. you cheated on me..with mellissa. what the hell was that about?!"

before i could say anything else, toby grabbed my face and kissed me slowly. i didnt pull away because it

made me realize how much i missed being around him. when the kiss ended we just stood there looking

eachother in the eyes.

"i miss you." i managed to get out.

"i miss you too lydia.  that's another reason i came here today. to get you back. i made a stupid mistake.

being with mellissa made me realize how i don't want to be with anybody else but you. we were dating for 2

years. 2 years lydia. why should we give it all up. i want you k i promise on everything i own that i will never

make a mistake like this again. you are the only girl i ever want to be with. nobody else. i love you."

before i knew it i was in tears. happy tears. i missed toby so much.

"so lydia, are we back together?"

"yes toby, yes we are." i smiled. we walked back to the funeral parlor holding hands.

"toby have you said e to my mom yet?"

"yes i have. she looks so peaceful." at the end of the funeral it was just me, toby, chanel, and my dad. toby

and i were standing t in the parking lot. all of a sudden we here a little voice scream.

""DOBYYY!" we saw chanel  running towards toby. chanel loved toby just as much as i did. they were best

buddies and got along so well.

"hey coco!" toby always called  coco. after  "coco chanel". chanel always called toby " doby" for some

reason. but it was adorable. toby picked up chanel and spun her around.

"doby have you seen our new big house yet?!"

"no coco not yet."

"toby you are free to come stay the night tonight." my dad said. him and toby have always had a good


"thank you mr.forges. i would love to." we all got into the car and drove home. we walked in the house and

it was about 6 pm.

"toby you can stay in our t bedroom upstairs." said my dad.

"thank you mr. forges." i went upstairs with toby to help him get all of his things settled.

"so the funerals tomorrow, right lydia?"

"yeah, tomorrow morning."

"okay. lydia, i've missed you so much i cant even describe it."

"toby, you have no idea how much ive been through since i got here.

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New world , New choices chapter 14 "toby, what are you

5 faves · Jul 15, 2011 1:37pm






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