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There are other fish in the sea.
Part 1 chapter 3.

December came and Heidi didn’t like Tom anymore and I didn’t like Casey anymore. Tom and I have been getting really close and I think I kind of like him. We text all the time. Dzzzzz. I just got a text. It was Tom. We spoke for the whole rest of the day and it was really cute.  
            By the very end of December, Miss Lithing, my Social Studies teacher, hadn’t been in school for a while. While she was gone, we had a sub named Miss Parse. She was okay. One minute she would be all nice and sweet, and the next minute she was screaming at the class. Okay, well not screaming but yelling.
            By the end of February, Tom had already asked me out twice. I told him exactly what I told Heidi “I’m not ready to date yet.” He totally understood; he’s such a good person.  Think about it though, I just turned twelve not even a week ago. Am I supposed to be ready by now?


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There are other fish in the sea. Part 1 chapter 3. December came

5 faves · Jul 15, 2011 1:49am






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