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Once upon a time # 1

Once upon a time there was this little girl who was sitting at her brothers football practice. It was the  summer before she was going into middle school and she saw this guy. He was PERFECT! The way he  looked at her made her shake... she went to footall pactice everyday to watch him play. One day she got  the courage to talk to him and a bunch of his friends spit gatorade and ice at her but he jumped in front of her and protected her. She went to every practice and every game and edvetually he began to rely on he r being there. If she didnt come he wouldnt play as well. Finally school started and they acted like they didnt know eachother after all who in 6th grade really does know eachother? After a while he began to like her best friend and they went out for a day(which doesnt really count) but after her bestfriend saw how much she loved this kid she let him go for the sake of her bestfriend.
Cause after all its girl code. well this girl and guy stayed only friends that year. they never talked in school. but when football season came that football player and that girl who was a cheerleader talked all the time at practices. It was the perfect clique. Football player and the cheeleader. That year that gilrl didnt know what love was so she didnt realize that she loved this kid. But she did make a vow that she would save her first kiss for that boy even if i would take years.

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Once upon a time # 1 Once upon a time there was this little girl

2 faves · 2 comments · Jun 28, 2011 12:44pm






L0ve_Is_Key · 1 decade ago
go look at Once upon a time # 2
it explains everything there and theres more to come!
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abadabadoo80 · 1 decade ago
did the girl ever get thet kiss???
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