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So my ex and I have dated 3 times.
He could never seem to stay interested. Like he lost interest and then gained it back right after we'd break up everytime. So this last time I decided that he had used up all his chances and that I was tired of him changing his mind about me as if I wasnt good enough. I told him that it hurt to have a guy change his mind about you over and over again. I decided that I was just gonna stop talking to him period. So I did. But he still wanted to be friends and so he keeps trying and trying to get me to just be friends but I just can't. I really can't. I don't want to go through him changing his mind about me again. He says he won't but how am I supposed to trust him or his feelings? He's changed his mind so many times that I just expect it to happen again. We've talked about this over and over again and it seems to me like he still has feelings for me. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing... and I know this is for secrets but I really need some advice... 

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So my ex and I have dated 3 times. He could never seem to stay

2 faves · 2 comments · Jun 27, 2011 9:50pm






RelentlessDreamer22 · 1 decade ago
From personal experience, they don't stop changing their mind..
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sammroz · 1 decade ago
hey, by the looks of it, it seems like this guy just cant make up his mind. the big question is, do you still like him? if you do, tell him that this is his LAST chance, and if he screws it up like he did before, then you just wont talk to him ever again. if you dont like him. keep doing what your doing girrl cause you have him wrapped around your finger. if you wannaa be friends then be friends. if you dont know if you like him or not then just wait it out. see if he likes you enough to stick by your side every step of the way no matter how confused you are! i hope i helped . good luck&remember to keep a clear head. if you need anything else, comment on my profile, im happy to help. ( :
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