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heyy witty peoples, just needed to tell this to someone.
last night i had a dream where i went to my firends jamesy's house. i  don't know him super well so we're just friends. but i do kinda like him :3 but anyways in my dream his whole family was there (even though i've never met his family let alone been to his house) and we just hung out and had fun. but near the end of the dream we just stood in the middle of the room with everyone there and just hugged. see, his girlfriend Rachel(who would be ex girlfriend now i guess) commited suicide not too long ago, maybe a few months. he still loves her, so hes heartbroken. i'm heartbroken too. so when we just held eachother im my dream i think that it means that we both just need someone to hold/ someone to hold us. in my dream when he was holding me he kept saying "don't worry, i'm not letting you go, i'm not going anywhere, i've got you"...i woke up crying because he's so sweet and also because all i really want right now, and kinda need, is to be held and told that stuff...i can't wait till jamesy gets his phone back, cuz then me and him are gonna hangout and i'm gonna become good friends with him because he is super nice :) and maybe my dream will come true... :)
p.s. if you read thru all of this ilovechu:3
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heyy witty peoples, just needed to tell this to someone. last

4 faves · Jun 27, 2011 12:48pm






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