Witty Profiles

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 chapter 12.

"He's right in there" The nurse pointed towards a door. The blinds were closed it looked pitch black inside. 
"Thank you" I walked towards the door slowly. 
The room was bright, it seems like there was 20 lights in this little room. There was a curtain, I guess he was behind it. There he was, I gasped. I tried to blink back my tears.
"Landon" My voice trailed off.
He was so bruised and broken. His whole face was purple. I sat at the edge of the bed and took his hand. 
"Landon, I'm sorry. I can't believe this would happen to you. Can you hear me?" 
I had to take 3 deep breaths. My heart was pounding it was getting really hard for me to breathe. A million thoughts were coming through my head. 
"I love you, Landon. I will never stop. You were my first love. You can get through this. You have to get through this. You have to see your beautiful baby. This baby, in my belly right now is ours, Landon, Our baby. Remember? It has to have a daddy. You can't go now, Please Landon. "
I just started crying. I couldn't blink the tears back anymore. 
"This reminds me of the first day I met you, Landon. When Daddy was in the hospital."
I breathed and closed my eyes I remember the day well. 
"I was in 6th grade. You were to, I didn't know you that well but your mama and my daddy worked together. I was in the room with daddy. And My mama tells me to go wait in the waiting room, You're mama tells me that her son, obviously you, was in there also, that we were the same age and we would be good friends. You were in the chair right next to the one that Tony's sitting in at this moment. I was sitting where Tony was sitting. I knew from that day me and you would always be great friends. And we were. That day you asked if I wanted to go to the hospital playground while we were waiting for our parents to get out of daddys room. "
I wiped away the tears from my eyes and continued.
"You told me that your favorite movie was Spiderman, and when you got older you were gonna be a profesional football player, Your dreams were unbelievable. You were so incredibly smart. We were on the playground for what felt like days. We played pirates, and spaceship, and we jumped over the lava, and you were a shark. We played almost every game, I never had any friends before I met you. When we got done playing my favorite game, pirate, you jumped off the slide and scraped your knee so we went inside. The waiting room was full of people at that time, your mama was crying. I didn't understand at the time. We both ran to your mom. When you told her about your knee she ignored you and ran up to me. She hugged me and didn't let go she told me something, I don't remember what though." 
I looked at his face for a second, It looked like he had a little smile. It helped me, I didn't stop crying but I smiled a little bit. I squeezed his hand. 
"I heard screaming in the back room, it sounded like daddys room. I sqirmed out of the hug your mom was giving me, it surprised her a little and she fell backwards. I opened the door and saw all the nurses around daddys bed. I was freaking out in my little 11 year old body. My mama saw me and she picked me up and ran me to the waiting room. I remember her yelling at me, telling me it was my fault, my fault for my daddy to be in that room. She pushed me down and went back into her room, You came and helped me up. That afternoon, everyone was at the hospital, you stayed with me in the waiting room while all the grownups went into the room. Everyone went in with a blank expression, everyone came out crying. I didn't know what was going on. You held my hand and let me play your gameboy. You and my daddy were the only friends I had. But, nobody told me that, that day was my daddys last day.  Landon, You're like my daddy, except you can wake up. You don't have to go to Heaven right now, I don't want you to. I can't lose you."  

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stay beautiful chapter 12. "He's right in there" The nurse pointed

6 faves · 2 comments · Jun 24, 2011 2:09pm






chickennugget · 1 decade ago
I was crying when I wrote it. This happened to my friend.. I just put more detail in it.
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Gizmoshelly · 1 decade ago
this made me cry <//3
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