Witty Profiles

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Chapter 5
"What happened? " I asked
" Cass called me in the store , theres been a death in your family , she didnt say who but shes picking you up she called me an hour ago , she should be here in 30 minutes I tried calling you but obviously you were still sleeping , your staying there for a week. " Ang said
" Waa ? seriously ? " I asked 
" Seriously " She said
I began to get nervous and I upset because one of my family members just died and I didnt know who. I looked at my text messages and saw I had 5 missed calls from Ang and 2 from Cass and a text from Rob.
Rob : Can I come over .
Me : For like 5 minutes if you want to help me packk. 
Rob : 5 minutes ?! and pack ? what ? for what
Me : Theres been a death in my family I just found out and my mom sisters picking me up and I'm going back to my hometown for a week.
Rob : I guess ill have to come for 5 minutes because I need to see ya ,
Me: haha okay

" Ang " I screamed
" Yeah " She shouted back
" Robs coming over for 5 or ten minutes " I responded.
" Whos Rob ? " She asked back
Oh crap I never told her .
" A good friend Ill explain later " I shouted back.
" Okay " She said.
I then went into my bathroom wet my hair and scrunched it I then threw on some deoderant and a black fringe tank , gray skinnys, grey converse a black leather bracelet  and redid my makeup. I started packing then the doorbell rang , I went down and greeted Rob and introduced him to Rob. Mike Ang's husband wasnt home. He was on a business trip for 2 weeks . He as a pretty cool guy.  Me and Rob then went upstairs and he helped me pack , we talked also obviously. I then got  a text from cass.
Cass : Hey i about 5 or 10 minutes away please be ready.
Me : Okay.
I then zippered my bags and grabbed my juicy purse and went downstairs. I hugged and kissed Rob on the cheek goodbye and told him I'd text him. 
Cass the pulled up she had tears in her eyes and her makeup was smeared.

sorrry its shortt im in a rush
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Us <3 Chapter 5 "What happened? " I asked "

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