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So, theres this boy [come on, where isnt there one?] and hes absolutely perfect. He's the kind of guy that all girls dream about. The perfect eyes, the perfect hair, the perfect body, the perfect grades. And of course, the star football player. And everytime i see him, i get all warm, and fuzzy, and feel a way that i have never felt before. There isnt a minute in the day where i dont go on not thinking about him. But, of course, theres her. Theres always gonna be a her with a guy like him. He probably wont ever think about me as more then a friend, but that little itsy witsy chance of him liking me keeps me holding on. And to top it all off, we dont see eachother often, considering we live in two totally different towns. So the time im with him is cherished down to the last second. So i will wait for him, until that one special moment, no matter how long it takes, because in the long run, hes so worth it.

all mii crediittt*
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So, theres this boy [come on, where isnt there one?] and hes

1 faves · Oct 16, 2008 3:58pm






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