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Unforgettable Summer
Chapter 6

I put my hand over my face to make sure that Andrew didnt see me.
"What is he doing here?" I asked. I was panicking.
"Probably getting drunk." Danielle said back. The waitress came back to our table.
"Hi girls. Im Hannah. I'll be your waitress. Can I get you girls something to drink?" She asked. Hannah was a very pretty girl. She had light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wore tons of makeup though.
"Sure, I'll have a water." I said. Hannah looked at me weird.
"Alright. And how about you?" She said to Danielle.
"Um can I have a small beer?" Danielle asked. I was surprised. I didnt know that she drank.
"Sure thing dolls. Back in a jiff." Hannah said, and with a turn of her heel she was gone.
"What am I going to do about Andrew?" I asked. I put the menu next to my face so he couldnt see us.
"Nothing. Let him know that youre having fun without him." Danielle went back to reading the menu.
"Okay." I opened up my menu and began to look through it.
"Here you go ladies." Hannah put our drinks down next to us. "Can I get you some food?" She asked kindly. She took out her pen and paper.
"Nothing for me, thank you." I said to her. She raised her eyebrows.
"Okay. Anything for you miss?" Hannah asked Danielle.
"Yes, can I get Bert's Best Salad. No onions or tomatoes please." Hannah took our menus.
"Sure thing." She said, and walked away to put in the orders. All the sudden Andrew and his friends spotted me and Danielle.
"Hey Andrew, look. Isnt that your ex?" Said one of the guys. I didnt recognize him, but he was pretty cute. He had curly brown hair. And not the afro kind either, it was controlled.
"Yes." Andrew dropped his drink, and came over to us. I opened my eyes widely at Danielle. She nodded.
"Mia, babe, how you doin?" Andrew came down and sat next to us. His breath smelled like beer, and I could tell her was drunk.
"Nothing. Get away from me." I tried to push him out of his seat. The guys started ooing.
"Dont tell Andrew what to do." He put his arm around me, and I pushed it away. I looked at Danielle screaming in my mind. She nodded again.
"Andrew, get away from us. Obviously Mia doesnt like you, and doesnt want to be with you. So get your disgusting self away from us. She is not interested." And with that Andrew went back to his table and began to drink some more.

Sorry that I didnt get to write that much today. I was out all day! And make sure to tell your friends about my story! Hope you like them. Any feedback? Lemme know(: Love you girls!

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Unforgettable Summer Chapter 6 I put my hand over my face to

3 faves · Jun 20, 2011 9:21pm






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