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 What's summer without love?
(Emily's POV) chapter 10

   Me, my mom and Alice(Jake's mom) shopped for about 4 hours and finally went home. I was sitting at my computer desk when i heard the front door open. I ignored it and went on my facebook stalking. "SAVED YOUR LIFE!" Jake yelled and pulled me off my chair to the side. He threw me on my bed so i was like laying on it halfway and pinched my sides. I screamed and slid to the floor. 
   I stood up and flicked my hand over his hair, making it flip akwardly to the side. "Nobody messes with my hair." He leaned in so he was like right on top of me. "Come at me bro." I stood up on my tip-toes and looked at him. He half smiled and tried to kiss me. I backed up quickly and giggled. "Can't get me that easy kid."
He laughed and grabbed my waist, picking me up. I put my legs around his waist and he bent over so I was close to the floor. "How about now? Orrr i can drop you." He laughed, putting his forehead on mine. I let him kiss me and he put me down. "I win." he grinned and sat on my bed.
   "Wanna see my outfit for the party tomorrow?" I asked, grabbing some clothes from the shopping bags. "mmmmm sure." He said tired, and layed back. I ran into the bathroom and changed. I got a blueish(periwinkle?) shirt that was flowy on the sleeves and sparkly down the middle, and white shorts, and silver shoes with a small heel. I walked into my room again, Jake was still on my bed. "Goood?" I asked, standing in my doorway doing stupid poses. Jake sat up and stared at me. "Ohh dayumm. I'm gonna have the hottest girl at the party." He smiled proudly, still looking at me. He stood up and walked up to me, "I gotta go change and shower." He stopped in front of me and brushed my hair back, he whispered "You're beautiful." And walked out.
I changed into pjs and layed on my bed. Jake came in 45 minutes later. We sat on my bed and talked for awhile. We played the question game until about midnight. It was my turn to ask him something. "What's something that nobody else knows about you?"  Jake thought for a minute and looked around my room. "Can't tell you..." He finally said and smiled at me. "You have tooo." I smiled and flipped my bangs out of my face. "Finee..I uhh..like to sing kinda..and play guitar.." He half smiled and looked down.  "Awww! thats awesome! sing something?" I asked, he looked up and nodded his head 'no'. "Pleeaaasse?" I pleaded, but he said no. He rolled off my bed and stood next to me. "Tell you what. I'll sing you something for your birthday."  My birthday was coming up in one week, and I'll be 16(:
   "Fineeeee." I sarcastically rolled my eyes and folded my arms. "Night babe." He said and kissed my forehead. 
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What's summer without love? (Emily's POV) chapter 10

9 faves · Jun 17, 2011 10:15pm






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