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Quote #3061847

5 faves · 4 comments · Jun 15, 2011 6:19pm






halfempty · 1 decade ago
same with my dad hun, and sometimesw my mom too. you can always talk to me
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MandyJaco · 1 decade ago
I just want you to know you are a very strong individual, i knw what your going through my mom did kinda the same thing, she would get drunk and take out all her anger on us because my dad wasnt around anymore. It was so hard because i was like 12 or 13 and i didnt really understand why she did it. Now that im older I dont hate her for it because she has gotten better and she doesn't drink anymore. Its not to late for your mom to get help but thats her decision. What use to help me is i just disconnected myself from her and i use to tell myself she didnt really mean what she said when she was drunk. & that was true. Her anger wasnt really toward me it wasn't really me that she hated. You still love your mom because you can see past that angry person she is when she is drinking. I think you should try and talk to somebody who maybe able to help your family and your mom, dont do anything your not comfortable with but you as a person dont deserve to have to go through that on a daily basis.
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megan9432 · 1 decade ago
I am reallyyy sorry. if you ever need to talk message me
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StaleMilk · 1 decade ago
Wow, I am so sorry. My dad is an alcoholic, but after he went to court, he isn't allowed to drink within 24 hours of seeing me. Have you ever thought about telling a school counselor, maybe? There's help out there because people go through this every day, just like you do. You're not alone. And trust me, once you actually talk (in real life) to somebody about this situation, it'll make you feel so much better and actions can be done to stop this. I'm really sorry. I promise that it's going to get better; it might not seem that way, but it will, eventually. And please don't consider suicide. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here! :)
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