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I'm 13, a girl, exactly 5 ft, and 100 pounds.. probably more. I try to eat less and i cant. I'm fat. I try to exercise a lot. But i get really busy. How can i loose weight? I can i convince myself to eat less? I want to be atleast 90 pounds by August.. for cheerleading. Help me how can i do it?
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Please read? I'm 13, a girl, exactly 5 ft, and 100 pounds..

3 faves · 8 comments · Jun 13, 2011 7:37pm






Forever_in_Love_077 · 1 decade ago
i am 5 ft and way 95 punds, 5 punds isnt much a of a difference, my friend is 5 ft too and weighs 105, 100 is the average weight for a person our hieght, dont try and loose any weight, your deffinetly NOT fat
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xoStayBeautifulxo · 1 decade ago
you are not fat! that is a good weight for your height and age... and do not stop eating! that could give you an eating disorder and mess up your whole body and you definately don't want that! and if you stop eating it makes it harder to live your life happily. you are beautiful the way you are!
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xoxopinkxmylifexoxo · 1 decade ago
thansk guys but i need to looses weight and be smaller cause i MUST stay a flyer.(goes in air) becasue i cant base for my life and i really dont want to and im like one of the fattest flyers!
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iTaLiAnBaBe44 · 1 decade ago
YoUR NOT FAT AT ALL!!!!!!! dont worry about it. be happy with the weight your at. my friendes are all shaped and sized and i accept them for eho they are. real teamates will accept you for how big or small you are. nd your not even fat at al so dont worry about it!!!!!
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Live_Your_Life · 1 decade ago
dude, be happy with who you are. Don't starve yourself though. that is the worst thing you can do. If u eat less, and starve, your body will be hording it as fat because it knows it is going to starve again if it doesn't hold onto the food. Just remember not to change yourself for anyone, or for cheerleading. you are beautiful, and if they don't accept you, that is their loss

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katieismoore · 1 decade ago
Do crunches. :D They're easy, and simple.
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gocrazzyy26 · 1 decade ago
don't eat less, eating less could case you to gain more weight... try choosing all healthy choices and limit your portions, take about a fist full of everything at meals, make sure to include protein and vegetables, for snacks just have some fruit, and then every saturday or something have a sweet snack but no more than one or two a week! ad whenever you have like a few minutes do simple things like crunches and jumping jacks, whatever you can! [: welcome
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kaylawayla20 · 1 decade ago
you are deffffinetly not fat. everyone's different(: go to mypyramid.gov it will tell you how much you should eat based on you(:
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